【商品説明】 ・Batteries not included ・Requires 10?x AA batteries: battery life (voice), about 10?hours (1?days 30?minutes continuous using when you have time, the measure of regulation by Black Manganese) ・Size: Diameter 200?x 300?mm ・Voice Alert Distance: Approx. 315?m (unlike most distance, wind direction, obstacle, environ
【サイズ】 高さ : 23.00 cm 横幅 : 27.00 cm 奥行 : 34.60 cm 重量 : 1.34 kg ※梱包時のサイズとなります。商品自体のサイズではございませんのでご注意ください。
TOEI LIGHT(トーエイライト) 拡声器TS711 B-3080
・Batteries not included
・Requires 10?x AA batteries: battery life (voice), about 10?hours (1?days 30?minutes continuous using when you have time, the measure of regulation by Black Manganese)
・Size: Diameter 200?x 300?mm
・Voice Alert Distance: Approx. 315?m (unlike most distance, wind direction, obstacle, environ
高さ : 23.00 cm
横幅 : 27.00 cm
奥行 : 34.60 cm
重量 : 1.34 kg